Pre-Op Instructions
For your safety, nothing to eat or drink after midnight the night before surgery, this includes water, mints, or gum.
Please stop ibuprofen, aspirin, Aleve, Motrin, Alka Seltzer, and herbal supplements prior to surgery as discussed with your surgeon. Check vitamins and energy drinks for herbal supplements.
Please take the morning meds as discussed with your surgeon or pre-admission nurse with only sips of water. Remember, no diabetic meds on day of surgery if you are diabetic.
Please check with your PCP or cardiologist about stopping any blood thinners prior to surgery, this includes but is not limited to: Aspirin, Coumadin, Plavix, Lovenox, Heparin.
If having allergy testing on the day of surgery, please stop any antihistamines 1 week prior to surgery.
Bring a change of clothes, diapers, bottle/sippy cup, favorite toy and/or blanket for children.
No alcohol 24 hours prior to surgery, no smoking after midnight the night before surgery.
Remember to bring ALL health insurance cards and photo ID.
Leave all valuables at home, including jewelry. All jewelry and body piercings must be removed, for your safety as these can interfere with equipment used during surgery. Remove contacts and bring eyeglasses. Do not wear makeup, nail polish, body lotion, perfumes, powders, or deodorant. DO wear loose, easy to remove clothing. Children should avoid one piece outfits.
Bring your C-PAP machine, if you have sleep apnea.
Notify your surgeon and our center if you develop fever, chest cold symptoms, infection, or any flu-like symptoms.
All patients must have a responsible adult present at check-in and to serve as the patient’s ride home. You must have a ride home. Taxi or bus is not permitted by yourself. A parent or legal guardian must accompany and remain at the surgery center at all time for anyone under the age of 18.